July 28th 2024,
12:00 AM
Dear dairy,
It’s yet another day I’ve seen someone losing their life, near ones and
property in the riots. I’m scared to even go outside but I had to today. All
the supplies at home have finished so I had no other option. While on my way
back I saw a shop destroyed by the people using bats and rods. The shop
owner was a really old man crying sitting with his hands on his head begging
the rioters to spare him and his shop.
People have lost their sense of humanity and are attacking children and elders
all the same. Being a nurse at a hospital I’ve seen countless people come in
with their family members wounded and bleeding. A Mother carrying her 5
year old child with his head split open and desperately crying for doctors to
save her son.
All of this makes me wonder whether these are the real faces of people. The
same people I see in everyday life are capable of such monstrosity chills me to core.
All I ever think is
और कितने लोग मरेंगे,
और कितने घर जलेंगे?
अपना तो हर कोई खो रहा है,
पर ये नफ़रत कौन बो रहा है?
क्या यही हैं सबके असली चेहरे,
क्या इतने ही काले चरित्र हैं?
अब एक-दूसरे को मार रहे वही,
जो पहले कहते थे मित्र हैं।
आँख के बदले आँख की दौड़ में,
जब सभी अंधे हो जाएंगे,
क्या फिर ये दंगाई आखिर में,
सुकून का झंडा लहराएंगे?
greatly expressed!!